10 Tips to Become a hacker

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Ten tips to became a hacker

As told before, professional hackers are generally more intelligent than any average programmer.

So becoming a hacker depends a lot on intelligence and efforts

1. Be curious: Curiosity is the mother of hacking. Look under the hood. Take things apart. Know the

details of your system directories, file systems,

system files. Look inside your computer.

2. Read a lot: Buy lots of books, go through the tutorials. Read the help files on your system. If you

are using Linux/Unix read the man files.

3. Experiment: Take precautions and experiment whatever you read. Apply to work the idea that just

hit your mind. Don't be afraid to change things.

Doing this for a long time will give you much idea on the computer hardware and the operating


4. Make backups: If you start mucking around with system files, registries, password files, and such,

you will eventually destroy your system. Have a

backup ready. If you can afford it, have a system you use just for experimenting, ready to reload on

a moment's notice, and do your serious work (or

serious gaming!) on a different computer.

5. Think out of box: Hacking is not restricted to computers only. You can try trick on other networks

also like mobile, telephone, etc.

6. Get some real tools: You can find numerous hacking tools on the net. Though some serious tools

are not available for free, you need to have some

Hex file editors, Snoopers, Compilers and APIs. In addition you also need Scripting tools, Disk

editors/formatters and Disassemblers.

7. Learn to program: Serious ethical hackers are always very good programmers. If you want to be

a hacker, you're going to learn much programming.

You should also be quite familiar with the popular operating systems like Windows, Linux, Unix,

OS2 etc.

8. Discuss with peers: In isolation, you can’t learn anything. You need to take classes, join

users groups and computer clubs. Talking to people on

IRC or other chat programs proves really helpful. Share what you learn. Because to get something

you have to give some.

9. Do some projects: Pick some projects and work consistently until you've finished them. Real time

experience is better than reading. Build from

ground zero, learn to create icons, associate it with some files, read how the search engines search,

try to manipulate the programs that you use daily.

10. Use the Internet: There is no source greater than the Internet. Start with the Web. Learn how to

use Boolean searches. Bookmark all those sites

which you find worth visiting. Sometimes you will find useful information at the strangest places

10 Commandments of Ethical Hacking

1. a computer to harm other people.

2. interfere with other people's computer work

3. snoop around in other people's computer files.

4. use a computer to steal

5. use a computer to bear false witness.

6. copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.

7. use other people's computer resources without authorization or compensation.

8. appropriate other people's intellectual output.

9. Think about the social consequences of the program you are writing.

10. Always use a computer in ways that insure consideration and respect for your fellow humans


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